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The translation sector is comprised of different sectors that can be broken down into the following main areas:

  • Translation
  • Localization/Globalization (software and Web)
  • Interpretation
  • Dubbing & Subtitling
  • Terminology

The Canadian Language Industry Association (formerly AILIA) advocates on behalf of the sector by raising awareness of the important role its members play in providing the many services that strengthen our communities, by providing timely and useful information, and by supporting Canada’s bilingual and multilingual identity.

A Valued Service Provider

Thousands of certified translation professionals and businesses across Canada contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to the economy. With the sector employed across many fields, its collective interests are represented through the activities of the Canadian Language Industry Association working closely with other associations.

With Expertise in Many Areas of Translation

The industry is composed of experts operating within municipalities, across all provinces and territories, and within the full spectrum of services, including interpretation and localization.

From health and social services to insurance and banking, to technology and computer sciences, to law and international business, to the arts and entertainment, translation embraces the very fabric of Canadian society, culture and commerce.

Striving to Establish Awareness and Recognition

With such a diversity of activities and about one third of the market coming from exports, Canadian translation promotion needs to be collaborative and focused to build recognition of the industry’s economic significance and of its potential to be globally competitive.

The Canadian Language Industry Association helps build awareness about the services of all of its members in translation, across all segments of activity, whether operating within a public institution or as a business.

Monthly Members Meeting

Members meet once a month for one hour via conference call. The date and time of the Teleconference is published in the monthly newsletter. To learn more or to attend an upcoming meeting, email: communications@language-industry.ca


  • Promote the interests of the translation industry in Canada
  • Become a forum for translation industry members
  • Raise the visibility of the translation industry
  • Put together initiatives to face translation industry challenges
  • Facilitate networking between the translation industry and other public and private sector partners
  • Become the essential translation industry representative for the public sector


  • Promotion of the Translation Service Provider (TSP) Certification under the Canadian National Standard for Translation Services CGSB 131.10
  • Networking activities
  • Advocacy and public education
  • Advocate for best procurement practices by educating buyers about the quality services offered by Canadian translation companies.
  • Public education campaigns
  • Advise the Canadian Language Industry Association Board about specific benefits for members such as the implementation of errors and omissions insurance for translation companies.

©2024 Canadian Language Industry Association. All rights reserved.   1-888-510-1148
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