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Key definitionsAccreditationA process by which a professional organization attests to that an individual is qualified to provide a particular service. Accreditation calls for formal assessment, using a rigorous screening based on appropriate and consistent criteria so that the accrediting body can be confident that the individuals it accredits have the qualifications needed to do the job. A training certificate does NOT make an interpreter or translator accredited.Accredited Interpreter or translatorA professional interpreter or translator who is accredited as competent by a professional organization through rigorous screening based on appropriate and consistent criteria. Interpreters or translators who have had limited training or have taken a screening test administered by an employing legal, health, or referral agency are NOT considered accredited.CertificateA document, such as a certificate of attendance or completion, that attests to participation in a course of study and attainment of some learning objective. A person who holds a certificate related to interpreter or translation training is NOT thereby certified or accredited.CertificationA process by which a professional organization attests to or certifies that an individual is qualified to provide a particular service. Certification calls for formal assessment, using an instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability, so that the certifying body can be confident that the individuals it certifies have the qualifications needed to do the job. A training certificate does NOT make an interpreter or translator certified.Certified Interpreter or TranslatorA professional interpreter or translator who is certified as competent by a professional organization through rigorous testing based on appropriate and consistent criteria. Interpreters or translators who have had limited training or have taken a screening test administered by an employing legal, health, or referral agency are NOT considered certified. Some exceptions to the above requirements may apply to languages of lesser diffusion LLD (cases where the test or certification is not available in your language combination). |