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Joignez-vous à notre panel de praticiennes, de gestionnaires, de stratèges et de professeures afin de discuter de l’industrie langagière, qui connaît une croissance et une évolution fulgurantes. Venez entendre les témoignages de professionnelles entreprenantes qui ont su surmonter les difficultés et saisir les occasions offertes par le marché. Profitez de leur expertise pour mieux comprendre le rôle de la technologie dans la transformation actuelle et future de la réalité quotidienne des traducteurs, ainsi que des changements qui attendent la profession au cours des prochaines années. Découvrez les stratégies et les compétences qui permettent d’anticiper et d’embrasser l’accroissement des chevauchements des différents secteurs de l’industrie langagière. Venez également en apprendre davantage sur les conséquences de tout cela sur votre trajectoire professionnelle de langagier ou d’aspirant langagier.https://mcgill.ca/continuingstudies/fr/channels/event/table-ronde-quand-traduire-rime-avec-avenir-299227
Join us and our panel of expert practitioners, managers, strategists and educators as we take a closer look at a rapidly growing and changing language industry. Hear first-hand accounts about the career development decisions made by enterprising language professionals in response to marketplace challenges and opportunities. Learn more about how technology is shaping, and will continue to shape, the day-to-day realities of translators and how the profession is poised to evolve in the coming years. Discover the strategies and skill sets that can make a real difference in getting ahead in the increasingly overlapping areas of the language industry. And find out how all this will impact your career trajectory as an aspiring or working language professional.
GATINEAU, QC, Aug. 15, 2019 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada places the highest priority on the promotion of official languages and is committed to upholding the Official Languages Act and its requirements.
Today, Steven MacKinnon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, announced on her behalf the creation of the Language Industry Advisory Committee and the appointment of its 18 members.
The June edition of our newsletter is ready and you can read it here. Find out about a new podcast by Jacob Monash, read a message from AILIA President Sharon Steinberg, and more.
From all of your friends at AILIA, have a great summer!
Soumis par Dr. James K. Archibald, Université McGill
Posted on behalf of member, Angela Sasso, Interpreter's Lab
Dear Colleagues,
Apart from legislation/guidelines that support access to health care services in official (French and English) and sign languages, there are no legal frameworks that secure access to healthcare services for speakers of other minority languages – such as languages represented by immigrant and refugee communities. While professional membership organizations under the Canadian Terminologists, Translators and Interpreters Council (CTTIC), such as STIBC and ATIO, certify language professionals (community interpreters, medical interpreters, etc.) certification is not a mandate to provide quality language services. As we all also know, the practice across Canada has been, and continues to be a patchwork of approaches that still includes the use of family members, children and ad-hoc staff members to perform the work of an interpreter. These practices not only denigrate the profession, but they have the potential to cause irreparable damage to individuals and costly expense to the system. Study after study has consistently demonstrated that quality interpreting services always provide benefit. Without a clear legal framework, the use of inappropriate language resources will continue to happen. Practices that also involve using untrained, bilinguals as interpreters.
I urge you to sign the petition that has been drafted by our esteemed colleague, Young Joe of Bilinguals International, which requests the Federal Government to:
1. Create an action plan for training and recruiting qualified medical interpreters
2. Institute a federal-level policy enforcing the use of trained interpreters in health care settings; and
3. Ensure mandatory training for health care providers on how to effectively work with interpreters.
Petition e-2136 - English
Pétition e-2136 - Français
Your colleague,
Angela Sasso | Founder & Director, Shifting Pictures Inc.
The Interpreter’s Lab (a program of Shifting Pictures)
APRIL 25 AVRIL Two great industry events. Back-to-back on the same day!
Deux grands événements du secteur langagier auront lieu l’un après l’autre dans la même journée!
This is the sixth annual Canadian edition of the Localization Unconference, an event that is held in many cities worldwide.
The Unconference format is designed to facilitate a spontaneous, free-flowing exchange of ideas. In the opening session, participants suggest and promote discussion topics of their choice. They then vote to prioritize which topics will be addressed during the ensuing three to four sessions. The sessions themselves are moderated to ensure fluidity, but are not structured, per se. Prepared presentations are not given. Participants are expected to engage in the conversation to provide ideas, commentary, and counterpoint.
for an evening of networking with language industry colleagues. Join us to find out what we accomplished in 2018 and what 2019 has in store for us. This promises to be an excellent opportunity for meeting industry professionals and networking.
This is the 3rd year of AILIA’s Rendez-vous series, which includes events across Canada.
Rendez-vous Toronto is organized by the AILIA Toronto Events Committee Members: Peter Madahian, Exacta Interpreting Inc. Kim Pines, Translations.CA Lola Bendana, Multi-Languages Corporation Sharon Steinberg, Megalexis Group
2019 de l’AILIA, une soirée de réseautage avec vos collègues du secteur langagier. Joignez-vous à nous pour revoir ce que nous avons accompli en 2018 et pour découvrir ce que 2019 nous réserve. Cet événement promet d’être une excellente occasion de rencontrer des professionnels du secteur et de faire du réseautage.
Il s’agit de la troisième année de la série des Rendez-vous de l’AILIA, qui présente des événements partout au Canada.
Call for papers
Special issue of Hermes-Journal of Language and Communication in Business:
“Entrepreneurship in translator and interpreter training”
Guest edited by Anabel Galán-Mañas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Anna Kuznik (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) and Christian Olalla-Soler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Announcements | HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business - Tidsskrift.dk
ISSN Online 1903-1785 and ISSN Print: 0904-1699. Hosted by The Royal Danish Library
Sent in by Dr. James K Archibald, McGill U
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