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AILIA’s Activity Report for the past year (2017-2018) written by AILIA’s Terminology Liaision, Nicole Sévigny, was sent to Infoterm.

Maryse Benhoff, head of the Canadian delegation to the ISO TC37 Annual Meetings in Hangzhou (China), has presented it on AILIA’s behalf at the Infoterm General Assembly that took place on Tuesday, June 12, 2018.

Infoterm’s Annual Report for 2017 published earlier this spring. Infoterms Annual Reports.  AILIA’s report as written and submitted by Nicole Sévigny, C.Tr., AILIA Advisory Member and Terminology Liaison, can be found on p.9, section 5.2.4 under “Canada”.

5.2.4 Canada AILIA (L’Association de l’industrie de la langue/Language Industry Association) submitted its Activity Report, highlighting Canadian initiatives of international scope which were launched over the past year and showcase the Canadian expertise in the field of terminology, such as:

  • The Translation Bureau (Government of Canada) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) developed a fruitful partnership in which both organizations share their resources to establish terminology, for instance in the field of conversational interfaces,
  • In 2016, the Translation Bureau and the Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC) signed an agreement regarding the latter’s access to the internal terminology architecture of the Translation Bureau (TERMIUM® compartment).
  • In 2016, the Translation Bureau and the Éditions Technique de l’Ingénieur signed an agreement regarding a limited sharing of their ressources (source material on the one hand, and terminological data citing this material on the other hand). 
  • The Translation Bureau continues its collaboration with the English Editorial Board of the Health Technology Assessment Glossary, coordinated by the Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA). 
  • In August 2016 and 2017, Professor Jean Quirion of the School of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Ottawa took students on a 13-day 500-km spin through Quebec as a fun, new way to teach his class on terminology, called Termino à vélo. They visited professional terminologists and translators in the mornings, then used the afternoons cycling to their next stop to reflect on what they had learned and to plan the next day’s visit. "Terminus Bicycling is an opportunity to bring students to professional language professionals to meet terminologists and translators and to see where they work, what they do and what tools they use”.


by Nicole Sévigny

On the terminology front, AILIA gathers information in the field through networking and active participation in a range of relevant committees and fora.

Highlights for 2016-2017:

In accordance with the reciprocal agreements signed with Infoterm and TermNet within AILIA’s Exchange Membership Program:

  • Infoterm (International Information Centre for Terminology) which aim is "to support and co-ordinate international co-operation in the field of terminology". In June 2017, AILIA attended the Infoterm General Assembly held within the framework of the ISO/TC 37 Annual Meetings which took place in Vienna (Austria); in accordance with the Agreement signed, AILIA submitted its annual Activity Report highlighting Canadian initiatives of international scope in the field of terminology. Website: http://www.infoterm.info
  • TermNet (International Network for Terminology) which provides an international co-operation forum for its members through training workshops, conferences, joint activities, etc. In January 2017, AILIA attended the 28th Meeting of the TermNet General Assembly which took place through a worldwide webinar and which covered TermNet 2015 activities. The Austrian-based Association will report on its achievements for 2016 at its next General Assembly to be convened in the fall of 2017. Website: http://www.termnet.org
          • Active participation in the JCTC (Joint Committee on Terminology in Canada) throughout the past year.

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