January Newsletter

Bulletin de janvier


Get your early bird tickets now for WorldSpeak and get a 13% discount off of GALA 2025 when you register! 

The Canadian Language Industry Association’s conference, WorldSpeak, will be taking place at the same venue as GALA 2025 this year on April 16, immediately following GALA’s conference. We’re happy to welcome GALA to Montreal and to co-promote our events together to give the members of both associations a fantastic opportunity to network and learn. 

Canadian Language Industry Association members, select the CLIA Member ticket when you register for WorldSpeak - no promo code needed. Prices go up by $50.00 for everyone after January 31, so don’t wait! 

How it works: register for WorldSpeak. Once you book and pay, your confirmation email will contain the promo code you’ll need to get your 13% discount for GALA 2025. 

Don’t miss out on these two great events: register today!

Procurez-vous vos billets pour WorldSpeak dès maintenant pour profiter du tarif d’inscription hâtive et pour obtenir un rabais de 13 % lorsque vous vous inscrirez à GALA 2025! 

Cette année, WorldSpeak, la conférence de l’Association canadienne de l’industrie de la langue, aura lieu le 16 avril, tout de suite après la conférence GALA 2025, et ce, au même endroit. Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir GALA à Montréal et de faire conjointement la promotion de nos deux événements afin d’offrir aux membres des deux associations une occasion en or de réseauter et d’apprendre. 

Les membres de l’Association canadienne de l’industrie de la langue peuvent sélectionner l’option de billet pour les membres de l’ACIL au moment de s’inscrire à WorldSpeak – aucun code promo n’est requis. Après le 31 janvier, les tarifs augmenteront de 50 $ pour tout le monde, alors ne tardez pas! 

Marche à suivre : inscrivez-vous d’abord à WorldSpeak. Une fois votre place réservée et payée, vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation. Vous y trouverez un code promo qui vous permettra d’obtenir un rabais de 13 % sur votre inscription à GALA 2025. 

Ne ratez pas ces deux formidables événements : inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui!

Exciting Update! 

The CGSB 131.10 Translation Services Standard has successfully completed the public review phase and is now advancing to the final ballot.🎉

After many meetings with industry stakeholders, including Buyers, Producers (Users), Observers, and Government, the CGSB 131.10 Translation Services Standard passed the public review phase and is on track for final ballot to publish the updated version.

Mise à jour emballante!

La phase d'examen public de la norme sur les services de traduction CGSB 131.10 s'est terminée avec succès et la phase du vote final débute maintenant. 🎉

Après de nombreuses réunions avec les intervenants de l'industrie, y compris des acheteurs, des producteurs (utilisateurs), des observateurs et le gouvernement, la norme sur les services de traduction CGSB 131.10 a passé la phase d'examen public et est en bonne voie pour le vote final en vue de la publication de la version mise à jour.


Translation Games

The 19th annual Translation Games, hosted by Concordia University, will take place from March 14 to 16, 2025. The nonprofit event provides students with valuable learning and networking opportunities, while also fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants. Teams from undergraduate programs in translation across Canada will compete in challenges that involve translating literature, comics, advertisements, songs and more.

Do you want to encourage the next generation of language professionals and contribute to the Translation Games’ success? By becoming a sponsor, you’ll not only support a beloved academic event but also gain valuable exposure. For more information and to find out how your organization can earn prominent recognition throughout the Translation Games, refer to the sponsorship package, visit translationgames.ca or write to comite.jeuxdelatraduction@gmail.com.

Jeux de la traduction

Du 14 au 16 mars 2025 se tiendront les 19e Jeux de la traduction, un événement sans but lucratif où se mêlent pédagogie, camaraderie et réseautage. Ayant lieu cette année à l’Université Concordia, cette compétition annuelle rassemble des équipes formées à même les programmes universitaires de 1er cycle en traduction de partout au Canada. Les équipes s’affrontent dans des épreuves de traduction de littérature, de bandes dessinées, de publicités, de chansons et plus encore.

Vous voulez encourager la relève de l’industrie langagière et contribuer au succès des Jeux de la traduction? En devenant commanditaire, vous en avez l’occasion, sans compter qu’ils vous offriront une visibilité sans pareille. Pour plus d’information et pour connaître les façons dont votre entreprise pourrait être représentée lors des Jeux de la traduction, consultez la trousse de commandite, visitez translationgames.ca ou écrivez à comite.jeuxdelatraduction@gmail.com.


911 Interpreters

NSGCIS - National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services
ISO 17100 Services de traduction
CGSB 131.10 Translation Services


The Continuing Education department at Université Sainte-Anne is offering three online interpretation courses (French/English) during the next year. The schedule for our next offering of micro-certification courses, which began four years ago in response to industry demand to overcome a lack of interpreters, is as follows:

• Foundations in Dialogue Interpreting / March 4-May 8, 2025 (Registration in progress)

• Legal and court Interpreting / Sept. 23 to Dec. 4, 2025 (Registration begins May 15)

• Medical Interpreting / Jan. 27 to April 2, 2026 (Registration begins Oct. 15, 2025)

These courses are short, online and accessible, and offer a good work/study balance.

Registration is now open for Foundations in Dialogue Interpreting, the prerequisite course that begins March 4. This 60-hour offering features online evening training twice weekly for 10 weeks, and includes 20 hours of individual work with feedback. Susan Tremills, an experienced interpreter and trainer with L’Alliance Française Halifax, will again teach the core course.

Whether someone is already an interpreter, or is proficient in French and English and can demonstrate skills for this essential field, our program offers pathways to improved interpretation:

 1. Those who have passed an ILSAT (Interpreter Language & Skills Assessment Tool) or CILISAT (Community Interpreter Language and Interpreting Skills Assessment Tool) test in French and English with a minimum of 75 per cent, can register below for Foundations: Fondements en interprétation de dialogue - Université Sainte-Anne

2. For others without an ILSAT or CILISAT, an online assessment can be arranged with a teacher. If positive, the candidate can take Foundations with the proviso of passing one of these tests with a minimum of 75 per cent in French and English before the end of session. (Contact us today at formation@usainteanne.ca to arrange an evaluation quickly)

3. Alternatively, with the implementation of our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), experienced interpreters can now validate that course – without taking it - if they meet the requirements and pass a test developed by interpreters. Passing an ILSAT or CILISAT with a minimum of 75 per cent in French and English is also necessary: Micro-certification : Reconnaissance des acquis expérientiels et des compétences - Université Sainte-Anne. 

Those who successfully pass the RPL test could then take our specialized courses:

* Legal and Court Interpreting, a 40-hour class this Fall with Jeff Staflund. Jeff, a teacher, translator and interpreter with a PhD in education specializing in interpreter training, developed all three courses.

* Medical Interpreting, another 40-hour session, beginning in January 2026.

Don’t miss out on our exclusive benefits for CLIA members!

Our membership program allows us to invest in your success, and help you contribute to the growth of our industry. Don’t miss these exciting opportunities, check out what’s on offer with your CLIA membership here.

Ne manquez pas nos avantages exclusifs pour les membres de l’ACIL!

Notre programme d’adhésion vous permet d’investir dans votre propre succès et vous aide à contribuer à la croissance de notre industrie. Ne manquez pas ces occasions prometteuses, et jetez un coup d’œil aux avantages d’être membre de l’ACIL ici.


GALA 2025 Montreal

The Globalization and Localization Association's annual conference will be happening April 13-15 in Montreal. Canadian Language Industry Association members will be able to take advantage of discounted rates on the conference, with our own WorldSpeak conference following it immediately on April 16. 

Discounts for CLIA Members

Both CLIA members and non CLIA members receive a 13% discount off the cost of GALA 2025 when they sign up for WorldSpeak; you will receive the discount code in your confirmation email after registering for WorldSpeak. If you want to just sign up for GALA 2025 and not WorldSpeak, contact us at communications@language-industry.ca for your member promo code. 

Find out more

Vamos Juntos will be taking place in Mexico City on March 14 & 15, 2025. Find out more information and respond to its call for papers here.

TSS 2025 Super Early Bird

This year, from 2nd to 6th JUNE 2025, the annual Terminology Summer School (TSS) will take place online and on-site in beautiful Timișoara in Romania, hosted by colleagues from two universities who are very active in terminology science and management.

All program and pay-per-day options are available on the TSS 2025 Website.

Taking place February 20-21 in Barcelona, Together is ELIA’s initiative dedicated to bringing together freelance language professionals and language service companies for constructive dialogue and mutual growth. 

As an Association Partner, Canadian Language Industry Association members receive a 10% discount! Just select "Association Partner" and "CLIA" while completing the registration form.

Find out more here. 

View all upcoming events from our Association Partner, Association of Language Companies. Events include virtual webinars and the ALC UnConference in February in Florida. You can also sign up to be a speaker at an upcoming ALC event here. 

The Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia are hosting this webinar about Indigenous Languages on March 27.

Find out more and register here. 



 In-Kind Sponsors | Collaborateurs  


                          Nations Translation Group     

Membership / Adhésion

Canadian Language Industry Association members benefit from several member advantages including free webinars, industry news, free events, and discounts on services and products. Visit our Website or contact the Membership Committee for further details.

Inscrivez-vous à l'Association canadienne de l'industrie de la langue et bénéficiez de plusieurs avantages, dont des webinaires gratuits, des nouvelles de l'industrie, des événements gratuits et des réductions sur les services et les produits. Visitez notre site web ou contactez le comité d'adhésion pour plus de détails.

Sponsorships & Advertising / Commandites et publicité

Become a part of the Canadian Language Industry Association's sponsorship and advertising programs and give your organization an opportunity to promote and advertise to targeted markets and to network with industry language service providers. As part of these programs, you receive access to members to showcase your products and represent your company through your logo on our website, in collateral, and at events. Visit our Website or contact the Sponsorship Committee for further details.

Rejoignez les programmes de commandites et publicité de l'Association canadienne de l'industrie de la langue et donnez à votre organisation l'occasion de faire de la promotion et de la publicité auprès du marché ciblé et de nouer des liens avec les fournisseurs de services linguistiques de l'industrie. Un investissement gagnant, d'accéder à nos membres, de présenter vos produits et de représenter votre entreprise par le biais de votre logo sur notre site web, dans des documents et lors d'événements. Visitez notre site web ou contactez le comité des commandites pour plus de détails.

Events and Communications Committee | Comité des communications et événements

Chair | Président:  André Palaguine, NATIONS Translation Group 
Vice-Chair | Vice-président: 

Committee members | Membres du comité: 

  • Nancy Bourassa, TRSB Inc
  • Leila Fnayou, Consoltec
  • Kim Pines, Translations.CA
  • Charles Lesperance, OXO Innovation & Communications Transcript
  • Lola Bendana, Multi-Languages Corporation
  • Chantal Kamgne, Localizzz
  • Angela West, Working Web Communications

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